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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: greytown banana

samuu brup

I. N

1. bread,food,plant greytown banana
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Samuu brup seerinka nangkti, naingkarka nikai tuktinkama. Naingkarka laap yuniuungi, taimka swiin yuniuungi. Tuktinka pwatpa, tkukiba aingwa.
    when the greytown banana is full I cut it and I put it up to ripen. Then I make wabul with it, sometimes I make bread with it. When it is ripe it is sweet and very short.


  • Etnográfica:
    A small banana which is commonly grown and sold in Bluefields. As of 2008, "real" bananas increasingly scarce.
  • Léxica:
    Has many other names: punga, tika, greytown, rosita. Punga is from Misk. Rosita relatively new (2008), probably brought in by Sp.